Right to Privacy and Data Protection: Special Reference to India

717.00₹ 895.00₹

Buy Right to Privacy and Data Protection: Special Reference to India | Law Books , our publication, New Arrivals, A Social Legal Perspective


Privacy and Data Protection are essential concepts in modern digital communication and information-sharing. The book looks into how with the increasing use of technology in our daily lives, we generate vast amount of data that can be collected, stored, analyzed, and shared by various entities, as happened in the Facebook and CA scandals. What India has done so far to protect an individual's privacy, both Parliament and Supreme Court. The book also discusses the limits that can be imposed on the right to privacy and how this right is developed and protected in U.K. and U.S.A. How international covenants and conventions are protecting the right to privacy. Understanding what privacy and data protection entail and why the matter is essential.

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