Legal and Social Landscape of Euthanasia National and International Outlook

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Buy Legal and Social Landscape of Euthanasia National and International Outlook | Law Books , our publication, New Arrivals, A Social Legal Perspective


Euthanasia remains a complex issue with no clear legislative guidelines regarding its legalisation. In India, there is always the religious belief of the people as well as emotions, and idea which comes in a way for the legalisation of any sensitive issue. The present book reviews the Law of Euthanasia in India, Canada and Selected jurisdictions of European Countries. The present book seeks to understand the concept o euthanasia from India and global prespective. The present book mainly focuses on the legalization of passive euthanasia, as it is important to note that it is difficult to bring universal acceptance of the concept of passive euthanasia to India. In the first chapter entitled Conceptual analysis of euthanasia, in which the concept related to euthanasia, as well as history has been discussed and it is it is found euthanasia is neither murder nor suicide or mercy killing The detail study of euthanasia from religious perspective as well as human right perspective also made and it is concluded that still religious belief are against it. But it can be treated as human right under article 21.

In the second chapter entitled an Analysis of Euthanasia:- with Reference to Canada and Selected jurisdiction of European countries of the book the comparative analysis has been done of various legal framework has been made in this and a comparative analysis has been done with Canada, U.K, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Luxembourg and it is found that Canada where euthanasia is allowed and it has detailed law on euthanasia which makes euthanasia a systematic practice which is absent in India In the third chapter entitled Role of judiciary towards euthanasia: changing dimensions with reference to right to life. In this chapter the various judicial cases of Canada India and Europe has been discussed. In the fourth chapter entitled socio-legal, ethical and moral issues related to euthanasia have been discussed. This book is written with the aim to give society the knowledge on euthanasia. And try to bring acceptance regarding this.

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