WTO Trade Remedial Measures Navigating Legal and Economic Complexities in International Trade

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Buy WTO Trade Remedial Measures Navigating Legal and Economic Complexities in International Trade | Law Books , our publication, New Arrivals, A Social Legal Perspective


The multilateral trading system. epitomized by the World Trade Organization (WTO) stands at a crossroads amid escalating trade tensions and global crises. Trade Remedial Measures represent a cornerstone of international trade law practice, wielding significant influence on global commerce. However, their invocation requires adherence to rigorous checks and balances outlined in the WTO agreements, designed to prevent misuse and maintain the integrity of free trade. Yet, navigating these requirements poses a formidable challenge for states, often tested in disputes before the WTO Dispute Settlement Body. 

The book sets out to unravel the evolution, challenges, and the implications of trade remedial measures within the framework of the WTO agreements. with a distinct focus on India's perspective and a comparative analysis of practices in the United States and the European Union, it offers a comprehensive exploration of the contemporary trade environment.

In the context, the book undertakes a pioneering effort to evaluate existing laws and procedures concerning trade remedial measures in India, shedding light on legislative shortcomings and procedural inconsistencies. By advocating for safeguards against  unchecked administrative discretion and proposing amendments to enhance the efficacy of trade remedies, it charts a course towards a more equitable and responsive global trading system. This book is tailored for scholars, practitioners, policy makers, exporters, entrepreneurs and students interested in international trade law, economics, and policy. 

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