Compulsory Licensing in Knowledge Economy

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Buy Compulsory Licensing in Knowledge Economy | Law Books , our publication, A Social Legal Perspective

The book explains what is Compulsory Licensing, Why Compulsory Licensing and When Compulsory Licensing? The book is useful to IPR professionals, IPR and Law Students, Government Intellectual Property Offices and departments of all nations, Industry Ministers of all nations, Corporate entities in all sectors of industries in all nations. All industry Associations in all nations.




Acknowledgement What is Patent Monopoly?

Compulsory Licensing?-Past and Present

Need for Compulsory Licensing

How is CL Viewed in WTO TRIPs and DOHA Declaration?

Essential Precursor Conditions for Compulsory Licensing

Some Additional Pr-requisites for Effective Compulsory Licensing

TRIPs on Compulsory Licensing

Exemplary Cases of Compulsory Licensing

Practical Hurdles/Barriers in Effective Implementation of Compulsory Licensing

Role of Public and Apex Bodies




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